Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It is interesting in our lives the choices that we make. Was listening to NPR yesterday on the Kathleen Dunn show about a book titled "The Social Animal" by David Brooks. Alot of the choices that we make are subconscience. We don't even know why we make them. Alot of it is intuition. So why am i talking about this on a bike blog. I think there might be other reasons why I bought this bike. One is I wanted to "restore" it. I also believe that i wanted to bring back some of the past. 1983 was a good year. Just graduated from high school the year before. Was working at Red Lobster. I was a bus boy or a host or something like that. It was all good. The world was all good. No 911 yet. No turmoil in the middle east. Gas prices were great. At least it was good for me. But, under it all, things were starting to brew for the situations today. I made the choice to go to Red because I needed a job. My mom knew the manager there. So I applied. Little did I know that, that choice would be one of the major starting points in my life. Another reason for the bike is at this point in my life I feel I need to bring something back to life. Need to restore it to riding condition. Somewhat of a purpose maybe. It will be fun and also a learning experience. I have a great life now. Don't get me wrong. I have an awesome loving wife. Who, hopefully, when I give her the bike won't throw me out in the street. I have my health, at least from what I know. I am not 20 any more. Found that out last friday when I went to a concert in Milw. My daughter is also awesome. I can't say enough about her. I am very proud of her and all of her acclompishments. My friends right now are the greatest friends that i have ever had. I love them all. So, back to what i was saying before about bringing something back. I think one of the most important things that needs to come back is God. I haven't talked to him in a while. Now we are on a talking basis and things are changing. For the good. Going to get the priorities back in order. First being God. I will stumble for a while with old habits, but those will slowly go away. Back to the bike. Don't get me wrong I have another bike. It is a Harley. That will always be the priority. The Magna will something to tinker with. I am not worthy to tinker with the Harley yet. I love the Harley. Even though it is impossible to love an inaminate object. I found God when I was a kid, lost him for a while, found him again. Now it seems that I need him more than ever. To try and figure some things out. If he was with me all of this time, I wouldn't have to figure anything out. Time to go. C Ya.

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